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Japan Emperor is a demon

名無しさま [] 2020/01/06(月) 23:42:53.34:EQNkglxh
Emperor is a demon
The imperial family is hated in Japan.
Because they are criminals.
It was a murder of a police and prosecutor behind the scenes.

名無しさま [] 2020/01/06(月) 23:43:42.07:EQNkglxh
In Japan, assassinations by the Emperor and the administration are frequent.
It is not just an administrative offense.
I will tell you once, but the emperor crime that has continued since the Abe administration.
It is a crime that goes beyond political power and political parties.
The highest commander of a Japanese bureaucrat is Emperor.
The citizen watches the society, the emperor who is only showing it is the culprit.
Abe, Aso, supported by the emperor dictator.
The Emperor of Japan is a murderer wearing a sheep's skin
Top of bureaucratic control
The threat of Japan is emperor system
An assassin criminal pretending to commit suicide! This guy is killed a lot
名無しさま [] 2020/01/06(月) 23:45:54.74:EQNkglxh
AKIHITO, the second generation of Hirohito.
Third generation NARUHITO.
It also hides political involvement. They are dictators.
Police assassinate any critics.
It is a murder that repeats this.
名無しさま [] 2020/01/06(月) 23:48:53.31:EQNkglxh
Only the Japanese imperial family can kill the world by criticizing them.
Bureaucrats were killed by many emperors.
Now he is using weather and radiation weapons.
名無しさま [] 2020/01/06(月) 23:49:33.01:EQNkglxh
Japanese police have 20,000 terrorists...
名無しさま [] 2020/01/06(月) 23:52:41.34:EQNkglxh
Japanese police are conducting large-scale stalking, radiation weapons and other human testing.
He keeps records, conducts technical research, and participates in the American world conquest.
They are world enemies.
The United States is strong, but the emperor is weak.
Do you not fight together? With weak groups!
名無しさま [] 2020/01/06(月) 23:53:56.87:EQNkglxh
The Japanese emperor is Jehovah's enemy.
Their Japanese royal family is going to be God.
It is the same idea as HIROHITO.
名無しさま [] 2020/01/06(月) 23:54:45.90:EQNkglxh
It is the police operative who writes after this entry.
名無しさま [] 2020/01/06(月) 23:56:20.21:EQNkglxh
Jehovah's order is "beat the Japanese royalty."
They are
名無しさま [] 2020/01/06(月) 23:58:36.83:EQNkglxh
I think Japanese royals once conquered the world.
It is a clan of Genghis Khan in Mongolia.
Europe, Russia, China, Ottoman Turkey etc.
Let's beat them.
I feel sick.


2ch勢いランキング 全部 1- 最新50 皇室・王侯貴族板ランキング



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