: maji [] NGNG tatejima : maji [] 2008/05/21(Wed) 08:20:08:zLuo+KYzO DOKTO NIDA : maji [sage] 2008/05/21(Wed) 15:52:05:zGm9emCz0 ok : maji [] 2008/05/23(Fri) 01:14:35:JrG2j4mLO I am Takeshima. : maji [sage] 2008/05/23(Fri) 18:30:11:ktyydNIGO me too : M [sAgE] 2008/05/26(Mon) 15:56:11:jXaK2EXWO me too : maji [] 2008/05/29(Thu) 00:56:04:TguiW7dE0 : maji [] 2008/05/29(Thu) 18:41:50:FMBnljCMO nihongode ok : maji [] 2008/05/30(Fri) 03:12:21:kLilHY+MO gdgd is gudaguda : maji [] 2008/05/30(Fri) 07:07:23:vBP4oqZs0 Yolosik!! [AR] Americanized Romanized [Nihongo] ttp://bubble6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/dejima/1212070751/ : maji [] 2008/05/30(Fri) 07:55:00:WPOanjft0 wat. : maji [sage] 2008/06/03(Tue) 11:36:10:xdSiFUeUO yeah : maji [] 2008/06/03(Tue) 15:41:51:j1FMnBO30 ttp://http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=uGEFB2rUTwA : maji [] 2008/06/05(Thu) 04:18:21:JRrb6n3+O JAPANESE territory TAKESHIMA is being Illegal-OcCuPieD by fucKOREA. : maji [] 2008/06/11(Wed) 01:16:43:+Av5sWA3O We are Takeshima. You are Takeshima too. Everybody is Takeshima. : maji [] 2008/06/11(Wed) 01:40:58:ghBCeji3O server is heavy! : maji [sage] 2008/06/17(Tue) 16:31:56:DVqyDiKY0 ACHTUNG!!! CAN A FELLOW ANON PLEASE SET UP AN ACCOUNT(TAKES 1 MIN.) AT HARMONYCENTRAL.COM AND POST THE PICTURE(<---FISH IN ASS) UNDER THE "OPEN JAM" FORUMS SECTION. THEY DESERVE IT. THANK YOU ANON. INB4 NOT YOUR PERSONAL ARMY, DO IT YOURSELF, ETC. : maji [sage] 2008/06/19(Thu) 03:50:35:6ybgChWf0 After the baby was born, the panicked Japanese father went to see the obstetrician. "Doctor," he said, "I don't mind telling you, but I'm a little upset because my daughter has red hair. She can't possibly be mine." "Nonsense," the doctor said. "Even though you and your wife both have black hair, one of your ancestors may have contributed red hair to the gene pool." "It isn't possible," the man insisted. "We're pure Asian." "Well," said the doctor, "let me ask you this. How often do you have sex?" The man seemed ashamed. "I've been working very hard for the past year. We only made love once or twice a month." "There you have it!" the doctor said confidently. "It's just rust." : maji [sage] 2008/06/19(Thu) 18:48:13:6ybgChWf0 "Animated," he said. This prayer the holy saurian didst impart upon his loyal followers, the seventh hour of the fourth day of the eleventh month, during the festival of loli-worship. The prayer of RaptorJesus: Our Raptor, Who art in /h/eaven, shopped be Thy face; Thy donations come, Thy posts be done in /b/ as it is in /h/eaven. Give us this day our daily Bridget; and forgive us our trolling as we forgive those who troll against us, and lead us definitely into faggotry, but deliver us from /fur/ry. In the name of the moot, the Raptor, and the Holy Server, Amen. : maji [sage] 2008/06/25(Wed) 08:35:35:JzhWIppi0 Takeshima is a Japanese territory. After the WWII, US tried to solve this dispute between Japan and S.Korea. and US concluded that Takeshima was Japanese territory. though, S.Korea suddenly proclamated a unilateral boundary, called 'Rhee Syngman Line', and invaded Takeshima. the arbitrator was US. though S.Korea didn't accept the arbitrator's conclusion. and finally Korea started the physical action. I don't know why they can say they have the administration of the island. : maji [] 2008/06/26(Thu) 23:25:03:w0uv8NBW0 ya! More over,Korea kills Japanese 4 people. & kidnapped 3,000 ppl,took them into custody for 13years. and then, used them as a hostage.[ZAINICHI] : American Unko [] 2008/07/06(Sun) 00:34:33:+wlL16F00 . . . ,, . . . 'i ;;;;;,_ . . . . 'ii ;;;;;;;_;:..,,.,,,,, . . . . . i; i; i; i;'',',;''_' :;,. . . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .) . . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , / . . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,. . . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .) . . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/ . . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;, . . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , ) . . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r . /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,, (y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , ) .V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V : maji [] 2008/07/06(Sun) 22:11:27:sLJonvjt0 I love Takeshima. Takeshima is my countly. : maji [] 2008/07/11(Fri) 00:25:48:h+PR3hGa0 Takeshima is my countly in Japan. Korea is no Takeshima !! Get out !! : maji [] 2008/07/12(Sat) 21:22:47:JbR0bHaxO sage : maji [] 2008/07/15(Tue) 21:22:55:AEg+uJiL0 It is not possible to read. Please put the shake Japanese syllabary. : maji [sage] 2008/09/05(Fri) 12:22:12:nLLBQwkR0 Independent, sovereign, free Takeshima/Dokdo/Liancourt. : maji [] 2008/10/07(Tue) 02:57:15:B759jAbO0 i love japan : maji [] 2008/12/19(Fri) 12:59:46:hKYppoN40 Today's kusosure : maji [] 2008/12/21(Sun) 16:26:25:1eINfThz0 hey fuckin amekou we dont need F-22 lmao : maji [sage] 2009/05/14(Thu) 19:48:46:xluImhA/0 korean army in takeshima : maji [] 2009/06/12(Fri) 08:07:18:5RGbXUdW0 Yeah! Me too. : maji [] 2009/06/12(Fri) 15:03:33:EljJGfFO0 you japaneses are seemed to be fond of seizing others islands. you vainly try to seize russian kurilskie islands, then korean takeshima... : maji [sage] 2009/06/13(Sat) 03:14:01:KI0CdJew0 i don't think so. are you russian? or korean? : maji [] 2009/06/15(Mon) 05:05:15:E0Cy1y3F0 is zainichi-burakumin : maji [] 2009/06/16(Tue) 20:57:38:Dx9tvr170 in english, please, i cannot understand the moonspeak : maji [spanish] 2009/06/26(Fri) 20:16:51:j4oXzhnZ0 el amor es ciego : frogmouth [maemi30@hotmail.com] 2009/08/16(Sun) 12:50:39:XJUMTy0T0 Japan has no historical title to Dokdo - Takeshima. Their only claim is in 1905 when Japan was in the process of colonizing Korea. Maji. There is no mention of Dokdo in the Japan treaty. John Foster Dulles, who drafted the Japan Peace Treaty, told the Japanese to seek a solution together. ttp://http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/ : maji [sage] 2009/08/25(Tue) 19:07:15:Rt23aI6e0 death lightning : maji [sage] 2009/11/03(Tue) 14:29:34:JBGYuG4E0 que sera sera : NJ Majin [] 2010/03/05(Fri) 09:08:01:vewqH/Mw0 I'm Takekuma!! Not Takeshima!! : maji [sage] 2010/05/11(Tue) 05:30:13:UryL/6wH0 Takeshima is Japan.It's a Historycal fact. Don't fuckin around with us anymore. : maji [sage] 2010/07/07(Wed) 20:17:17:KR/bcpWe0 This is a test. : maji [sage] 2010/09/13(Mon) 16:39:02:c0WnVFS00 † Takeshima is Japan. Japan is really a very small island! : 180-144-71-226f1.osk3.eonet.ne.jp [] 2010/12/11(Sat) 19:20:00:BSTt9sPn0 Akina's nice short story Everybody and nice to meet you! I'm Akina. I'm an one's own pace, and the blog of daily life and the idea to which the photograph readily is suitably exchanged and written. Please look at my with one's own way patiently if it's good. If it's possible to point it out readily, I'm welcome because it thinks that there are a lot of points that don't arrive either. Then, please come from following URL. ttp://http://star-akina.seesaa.net/ Thank you for lending valuable advertising space. : maji [] 2011/02/26(Sat) 22:14:48.28:GVd73KWJ0 Takeshima is not japanese island why? I will set off a bomb tomorrow and rub that little piece of land off the face of the earth how about that : maji [] 2011/03/29(Tue) 17:49:32.74:GSSYNNyx0 I understand why Japanese say Dokdo (they say Takeshima) is theirs. : maji [] 2011/03/29(Tue) 17:50:01.14:GSSYNNyx0 It is their politician's strategy to get their power. : maji [] 2011/03/29(Tue) 17:50:30.64:GSSYNNyx0 Of course, Dokdo could be involved to Japan long time ago even if we Korean or Japanese has the evidence to have that island before in each side. : maji [] 2011/03/29(Tue) 17:51:23.11:GSSYNNyx0 The important FACT is that Dokdo is one island of Korea now and don't have to mention anything about this. : maji [] 2011/03/29(Tue) 17:51:53.91:GSSYNNyx0 If Japanese say Dokdo is theirs, I wanna say Japan is one of Korean islands because your King is Korean descent and Japan was conquered by Korea long time ago. Thus, just keep quiet please. : maji [] 2011/03/29(Tue) 17:52:52.42:GSSYNNyx0 Does my words make sense? You Japanese understand? : maji [] 2011/03/29(Tue) 17:54:36.93:GSSYNNyx0 Another thing is that even Japanese historian have been distorted your own history. : maji [] 2011/03/29(Tue) 17:55:25.87:GSSYNNyx0 Thus, we cannot believe any of your evidence. So, just believe what our history book said. : maji [] 2011/03/29(Tue) 23:02:52.12:cUADnNT40 Takeshima may or may not be territory of Japan. TBH, I could care less. Only the ones whom this controversy really affects are fishers and the Liancourts have been under control of ROK thru-out postwar. What I find to be annoying is Southkoreans seem to be actively exploiting this to promote their national pride and suchlike. Seriously, choose better things if you want to be proud of your country. : maji [sage] 2011/04/18(Mon) 17:55:14.86:AOFYESvG0 No Takeshima, Yes Dokdo : 【東電 76.3 %】 忍法帖【Lv=21,xxxPT】 [sage] 2011/05/05(Thu) 18:34:23.65:bqSRuqaq0 test : 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 [] 2011/05/30(Mon) 15:50:24.03:mdLoxJe3O takeshima Japan : maji [] 2011/06/11(Sat) 16:22:09.71:z6Gww+bEO fuck u man : maji [age] 2011/06/13(Mon) 18:35:43.03:IAO9SmKh0 ffffffff : 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 [] 2011/06/14(Tue) 10:18:02.86:NCXETyo4O abkt : maji [sage] 2012/01/10(Tue) 13:12:45.65:UrqKY2cZ0 kitano takeshima : 忍法帖【Lv=22,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/03(Sat) 18:55:03.18:EBBhiz1S0 tes : 忍法帖【Lv=23,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/04(Sun) 12:09:53.58:/rszDAgq0 tes : 忍法帖【Lv=24,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/05(Mon) 12:38:01.46:diOK/R1I0 te : 忍法帖【Lv=25,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/06(Tue) 12:14:46.28:rdbZ/Ala0 tes : 忍法帖【Lv=26,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/07(Wed) 11:46:56.99:RYQFKmat0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=27,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/10(Sat) 14:36:32.35:ytPEuWsE0 tes : 忍法帖【Lv=28,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/11(Sun) 19:00:08.71:9CPrbNDz0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=29,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/12(Mon) 18:35:36.13:K5r4soWQ0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=30,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/13(Tue) 18:16:59.45:fTTSF1JL0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=31,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/14(Wed) 17:28:51.15:Fh1umVdG0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=32,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/15(Thu) 17:13:48.08:eJ0jqk2A0 te : 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 [sage] 2012/03/16(Fri) 16:54:10.82:psgma5xe0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 [sage] 2012/03/17(Sat) 21:06:56.88:uh8Hyf720 t : 忍法帖【Lv=4,xxxP】 [sage] 2012/03/19(Mon) 08:11:35.00:ifWhZWwM0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 [sage] 2012/03/20(Tue) 09:47:06.62:xmRz14zR0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=6,xxxP】 [sage] 2012/03/21(Wed) 13:20:50.88:4VyQzIvp0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=7,xxxP】 [sage] 2012/03/22(Thu) 13:08:07.39:2yT4LFb10 t : 忍法帖【Lv=8,xxxP】 [sage] 2012/03/23(Fri) 12:43:01.23:XWC8swzM0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=8,xxxP】 [sage] 2012/03/24(Sat) 10:03:29.48:2Akh8aOo0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=9,xxxP】 [sage] 2012/03/24(Sat) 15:36:32.25:2Akh8aOo0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=10,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/25(Sun) 19:49:33.92:r/CtPqLC0 g : 忍法帖【Lv=11,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/26(Mon) 19:24:46.09:vcHPzZE10 t : 忍法帖【Lv=12,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/27(Tue) 22:50:14.96:NkfLURid0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=12,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/28(Wed) 21:48:50.99:w6WJtWwQ0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=13,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/28(Wed) 21:51:16.67:w6WJtWwQ0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=14,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/29(Thu) 22:05:30.14:r78hmcQv0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=14,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/30(Fri) 21:05:24.50:wXkJiHGZ0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=15,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/03/30(Fri) 21:05:40.48:wXkJiHGZ0 t : 忍法帖【Lv=7,xxxP】(2+0:8) [sage] 2013/03/22(Fri) 11:16:34.85:9CJ4kPFL0 t : maji [sage] 2013/04/05(Fri) 19:54:32.89:IC8A2rvti LET : 忍法帖【Lv=39,xxxPT】(1+0:8) [sage] 2013/04/28(Sun) 05:42:25.43:yVJppn900 test : maji [sage] 2013/04/30(Tue) 14:24:36.20:GPsKSElB0 Japanese : maji [sage] 2013/05/12(Sun) 20:39:47.96:oh+Tq4o70 age : maji [] 2013/05/14(Tue) 09:49:27.28:UYaQWFgm0 french has the many oversea territories. you can find new islands anywhere you want. : maji [] 2013/05/19(Sun) 00:38:02.45:8yOB8JMIi (i) : YAMATO METAL FACTORY [sage] 2013/12/21(Sat) 05:06:06.02:ruj5QXc90 Takahara Shigemi is the Sodanyaku of Yamato Industry since 1975.
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