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Fucking American!

maji [] 2009/05/21(Thu) 01:24:26:ctgcoNJv0
kill American!
maji [] 2011/01/02(Sun) 17:39:40:13z3OQrN0
maji [] 2011/01/03(Mon) 01:04:12:GZLPwwh+0
All Americans must die!
Americans are shit-eating pigs.
maji [] 2011/01/03(Mon) 08:35:53:2/MUyPcn0
You guys hate america? oh noooooo, but i thought you liked canada and south america!!
maji [] 2011/01/03(Mon) 08:38:52:bFmpS+iO0
What does Japan think about Germany?
maji [] 2011/01/04(Tue) 05:21:31:P8xjTR8SO
Vysh [sage] 2011/01/26(Wed) 14:40:23:b5X30BNs0
What is with this?
maji [sage] 2011/03/30(Wed) 02:13:24.89:iGDSBqUw0
maji [sage] 2011/03/30(Wed) 20:46:30.22:LwA5VG/e0
The japanese I know always respect you.
Being so polite, Germans all love erection. I heard it.
maji [sage] 2011/03/31(Thu) 14:18:41.02:g7xA7CL6O
Yankee Go Home!

maji [sage] 2011/03/31(Thu) 14:21:24.88:g7xA7CL6O
maji [sage] 2011/05/06(Fri) 15:36:08.99:2pK6ZH2i0

I think your writing is a Murder is Announced .

So I report police .
maji [] 2011/07/23(Sat) 21:50:35.41:B/1ZdLpA0
yes. American boob is evil.
maji [sage] 2011/07/23(Sat) 22:02:43.84:tLe5IFWv0
忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 [] 2011/07/25(Mon) 20:53:29.34:w1uR9aQz0
maji [sage] 2011/08/31(Wed) 16:30:29.19:BVUsrbNC0
Oh god the amount of engrish in this thread made me laugh.Thanks, 2ch.
Takeshi Kitano [sage] 2011/09/06(Tue) 12:49:36.76:xEW/HJqZ0
I know "Fucking Japs", asshole!
(Fakkin jappu gurai wakaru yo, Bakayaro!)
maji [] 2011/09/25(Sun) 06:36:25.54:LyreptUi0
Most Americans like Japanese people! And a lot of American men think that
Japanese women are beautiful. Maybe that's why you're mad? Anyway, Koreans
are much worse than Americans. Let's work together to kill all Koreans.
maji [] 2011/09/26(Mon) 01:39:25.59:9dmMUT/w0
maji [] 2011/09/27(Tue) 00:24:30.38:reIMF9bM0
忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 [] 2011/10/10(Mon) 23:58:27.91:hwUgoy3g0
Ame-kou is rich.
maji [] 2011/10/17(Mon) 07:23:04.82:2Itw4fc30
amekou are satan.
maji [] 2011/10/24(Mon) 20:14:45.78:6ByeY1Y00
Die Ame-kou!
maji [sage] 2011/10/25(Tue) 11:47:39.07:9j3I4wpi0
There are too many guys who are out of order in U.S.A.
忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 [] 2011/11/11(Fri) 11:09:03.58:Y6c8m8h60
fuck usa.
あぼーん [あぼーん] NGNG
maji [] 2011/11/14(Mon) 00:25:08.29:+Cwkcmlq0

maji [] 2011/12/20(Tue) 03:18:06.98:yOCAZ4Q50
The american is the nigger in the world.
maji [] 2011/12/20(Tue) 11:48:22.34:ah5KQXE30

You're just jealous because we're the superior country.
maji [sage] 2011/12/21(Wed) 12:00:25.49:EgFrUag70
maji [sage] 2012/01/05(Thu) 00:57:19.86:xMLvfHGv0

Yo dick is too stinky smelling.
Get out from the Earth!
maji [] 2012/01/06(Fri) 15:25:51.27:5iLrM6FW0

Cry harder.
maji [] 2012/01/09(Mon) 15:44:39.94:YE/otCUc0
maji [sage] 2012/01/09(Mon) 22:20:28.09:K0tr5gDt0

Its just a parody of John Lennon/Yoko Ono song. On this song, nigger means slave.
maji [sage] 2012/01/09(Mon) 22:22:24.98:K0tr5gDt0

LOL questioner failed.
Why always chiebukuro users asking with long question?
Why not can't so simple question?
maji [] 2012/03/29(Thu) 16:55:52.77:a+N2WRLl0

you are not japanese
you are korean
maji [] 2012/03/30(Fri) 12:59:23.78:PTWxfTjq0
We love Billy Herrington
maji [] 2012/04/05(Thu) 23:34:28.35:xKM0Ju2b0
I admit that the US is surely strong.
However the US does not have a piece of fragment of
what's called dignity of the king either.
As it were, the behavior of the US seems to be a barbarian.
Therefore the US does not get respect from all over the world, I think.
maji [noko] 2012/07/14(Sat) 13:56:07.44:le0BISCA0
Just lurking around 2chan

I am confused by Nihon culture, but I love it.

maji [] 2012/08/28(Tue) 05:49:46.69:m/j1SIM1O
I'm not ,but I'd
like to say something
similar as one of the
Japanese to .
Shame on you!
Think about the words
you are going to use,
before you use them.
You suddenly shouted
dirty words without the
explanation of your
emotion or aggression
against American people.
Your behavior is really
unacceptable unless you
are mentally brokendown
or deranged.
忍法帖【Lv=6,xxxP】 [sage] 2012/09/01(Sat) 10:29:29.40:Gx4RxqdG0
maji [] 2012/09/06(Thu) 01:05:13.52:8mtyBTT70
I am homo
maji [] 2012/09/17(Mon) 23:16:21.95:ylLgs5fY0
An American Indian elder described his own inner struggles this way:
[Inside of me there two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil.
The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time.]
When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied,
[The one I feed the most.]
maji [] 2012/09/21(Fri) 04:55:32.50:fkcnKb9J0
Guys stop fighting! The Japanese are cool. Lets all be friends.
maji [] 2012/09/22(Sat) 16:08:06.28:/RMhhLQt0
I hate american so much
maji [] 2012/09/22(Sat) 20:27:19.14:c2TvSFaP0

Yeah, seeing you are one, it's for good reason.
maji [sage] 2012/10/05(Fri) 15:18:43.81:tOADG4PlO
I think American always battles each other for first-food on the restaurant.
maji [] 2012/12/01(Sat) 10:21:57.25:eXhtejCu0
Squint more, cry less.
maji [sage] 2012/12/01(Sat) 16:57:49.14:CTp7/oJg0
Ragtime Dance
Maple Leaf Rag
Pine Apple Rag
Easy Winner
The Entertainer
maji [] 2012/12/13(Thu) 09:40:32.16:8ulX2+O10

Really? John Lennon told me woman is the nigger of the world.

Western culture is less about formality. America embraces rebellion and individuality.
We are barbarians in Japan, but you are pompous in America.
maji [] 2012/12/24(Mon) 17:06:01.16:VXpDdNvw0


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