USA is #1
: maji [] 2009/07/09(Thu) 12:28:28:Q7Lc4N500 AMERICA has the power of FREEDOM and FREE MARKET. JAPAN has power of POCKY and TENTACLE RAPE. AMERICA has the freedom to not get raped and the FINACIAL POWER to bring down pocky. AMERICA WINS. : maji [] 2009/07/16(Thu) 19:58:10:ONnUvpYW0 Do you know Cocaine Project? ttp:// If there's any Japanese, you should translate this document. : maji [sage] 2009/07/17(Fri) 14:13:49:ArY7UTAk0 Leave my anus alone. : maji [] 2009/07/18(Sat) 21:59:28:n10Q0KKs0 Fuckin' Yankeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee : maji [] 2009/07/19(Sun) 13:49:42:MjkW8PyH0 Them yankees : maji [] 2009/07/24(Fri) 15:00:31:iQDiL++Hi citi,AIG They kill USA forever... : maji [] 2009/07/24(Fri) 18:42:06:x+RWYE6n0 Its better to let them die, and to allow profitable companies to take their place. : maji [] 2009/07/24(Fri) 23:34:51:xStdLKHp0 USA broken down. Japan too. : maji [] 2009/07/25(Sat) 00:10:56:pceC4Fqe0 Satan is in the America ttp:// : maji [] 2009/07/25(Sat) 07:52:27:srKyociK0 I hanker for USA. : maji [sage] 2009/07/25(Sat) 14:11:27:KXrXVPNZO So what? : maji [sage] 2009/07/27(Mon) 01:14:43:8d4oVbqL0 America,Axis of evil ttp:// : maji [] 2009/08/14(Fri) 00:22:24:iz3Lv1OI0 I would like to fack USA at full force : maji [] 2009/08/14(Fri) 02:52:55:/7cv3SMy0 Unco is bitter and delicious : maji [sage] 2009/08/14(Fri) 19:20:12:KgaMPjFu0 you fuckin korean : maji [] 2009/08/14(Fri) 22:36:13:iz3Lv1OI0 Die, unko eater. : maji [sage] 2009/08/15(Sat) 17:14:15:o8Rbh9A40 ome-ra sineyo : maji [] 2009/10/22(Thu) 01:49:26:QE+l4OOT0 eseCould be fine for Japanese to withdraw from the AINU land, but could be nightmare for white americans to do that 'cause that'll result in losing their whole country hahahahahaha Pathetic yankees LOL : [] 2009/11/11(Wed) 18:08:30:by7lnU6N0 A secret proxy server is taught Nice to meet you ~ It informs them for a moment today. A secret proxy server has been opened to the public as a member limitation privilege of "2ch" now. There is only making to a secret WEB site, all records do not remain in the access log when misusing it, and do not misuse it earnestly, please. Of course, it is free. We will inform you of IP address and the port number to use a secret proxy server with following URL. URL : ttp:// * Please continue your favors toward assistance. * : maji [sage] 2009/11/16(Mon) 23:27:49:q0loYhBr0 Do you like USA? ttp:// : maji [] 2009/11/21(Sat) 19:43:04:MHJambJHO kas kooso bocke manhooke : maji [] 2009/11/25(Wed) 23:20:18:+9+rfssL0 Do you have a point for linking that video? : Ching-Ching [] 2009/11/30(Mon) 02:28:35:Rw6ClAhr0 USA was built by people from other countries who came here and prospered. More will come. USA is a melting pot. More freedom here. Not perfect, just better. USA #1 country in the world. : maji [] 2009/11/30(Mon) 02:56:08:ZNIHJwTA0 yeah, jew govern it LOL : maji [] 2009/12/06(Sun) 09:29:09:yJyQF4dn0 Fucking jews destroying the world!!!! : maji [sage] 2009/12/11(Fri) 03:04:08:/MheXI950 USA is selfish nation. I am interested in many of European cultures and religions but, I do not like American culture and its character. Disgusted zeals and its Gianism thought. : maji [] 2009/12/13(Sun) 12:31:09:BzMbwnpu0 Hsitory of America is just war. : NJ Majin [] 2010/03/05(Fri) 09:09:33:vewqH/Mw0 Viva Los Estados Unidos!! : [] 2010/12/11(Sat) 18:32:00:eGBaDaao0 Akina's nice short story Everybody and nice to meet you! I'm Akina. I'm an one's own pace, and the blog of daily life and the idea to which the photograph readily is suitably exchanged and written. Please look at my with one's own way patiently if it's good. If it's possible to point it out readily, I'm welcome because it thinks that there are a lot of points that don't arrive either. Then, please come from following URL. ttp:// Thank you for lending valuable advertising space. : 忍法帖【Lv=6,xxxP】 [sage] 2011/05/12(Thu) 17:36:42.79:nXteGYzO0 FUKUSHIMA is #1 : 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 [sage] 2011/06/14(Tue) 20:23:43.06:WNY+j5N10 tesss : 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 [sage] 2011/06/15(Wed) 00:56:56.42:UF070CGL0 extend : 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 [sage] 2011/06/15(Wed) 02:30:11.15:XDjpV1gM0 test : maji [] 2011/06/15(Wed) 07:17:53.66:zkvMMLn10,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,; : maji [sage] 2011/06/22(Wed) 14:23:08.47:phSjU13v0 "Oh my Capitalism" with English subtitles Beat the Capitalism! ttp:// : maji [] 2011/07/24(Sun) 21:35:05.58:XTPsc5v10 amerina is mexico. : maji [] 2011/07/27(Wed) 20:33:38.93:gDdOWH010 FAT USA !! : 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 [] 2011/08/13(Sat) 23:14:35.15:NA/zoO/o0 american is obama. : maji [] 2011/08/18(Thu) 21:40:10.95:2Guur0xWO and obaka : maji [sage] 2011/08/22(Mon) 00:39:12.03:JJhRpknt0 ttp:// : 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 [] 2011/08/27(Sat) 22:51:04.59:W4Qiy8F20 usa is #1 fack. : 忍法帖【Lv=29,xxxPT】 [sage ] 2011/08/28(Sun) 09:27:37.07:FFvYPsHn0 usa is #1 fack. : 忍法帖【Lv=31,xxxPT】 [sage ] 2011/08/30(Tue) 07:49:47.41:luTvpUDm0 usa is #1 fack. : maji [sage] 2011/09/01(Thu) 16:36:03.66:y9u8+8NC0 USA!! USA!! : maji [sage] 2011/09/06(Tue) 04:19:22.82:xEW/HJqZ0 Fucking USA : maji [sage] 2011/09/06(Tue) 20:25:24.58:xEW/HJqZ0 I like people in USA and dislike Korean. Thank you. : maji [] 2011/10/16(Sun) 02:41:24.74:sce8EHiv0 : maji [noko] 2012/04/24(Tue) 04:01:51.69:tFleGJLF0 Why is America so much better than Japan? I mean fuck, it's like Japan isn't even trying. : maji [] 2012/04/25(Wed) 19:36:49.30:84NQ3eID0 I'm American and approve of this thread. : 忍法帖【Lv=30,xxxPT】(1+0:8) [sage] 2013/05/13(Mon) 00:42:25.78:Vd7Fe1Mr0 usa!usa! : maji [] 2013/05/13(Mon) 09:57:24.69:SZaigSSd0 Don't shoot at mom's day parade. Al-quaida.
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