2ch勢いランキング 全部 1- 最新50

nanda kono itaha

maji [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 00:47:14:ruJah/G3O
maji dejima
maji [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 12:26:30:1V+qqfUbO
majide dejima majidejima
maji [sage] 2008/05/13(Tue) 23:08:54:HJCSfsWgO
konoita irane
maji [] 2008/05/16(Fri) 17:47:29:tBkPRDT7O
kono ita dejima
maji [] 2008/05/19(Mon) 15:21:33:NC1VezUYO
Konata Wa Orenoyome
maji [] 2008/05/21(Wed) 01:27:20:NtWu8TUIO
How do you do.
maji [] 2008/05/21(Wed) 02:03:37:zk90ilFN0
maji [] 2008/05/21(Wed) 02:48:45:5nmqcNYh0
dejima? majide dejima?
maji [] 2008/05/26(Mon) 17:54:51:7JjdoAep0
dejima ha dokodejima?
maji [] 2008/05/28(Wed) 01:30:30:8XVDld51O
I was gay
maji [] 2008/05/28(Wed) 02:02:48:S+1Liv7b0
hanguru kibun dana.
maji [] 2008/05/29(Thu) 02:04:05:5829jw630
konoitaniha oreshikainai
maji [] 2008/05/29(Thu) 02:31:48:F7aAup7yO
tokugawa ieyasu
maji [] 2008/05/29(Thu) 03:53:05:7HPmgDFb0
maji [] 2008/05/29(Thu) 07:46:31:23cOptxbO
maji [] 2008/05/29(Thu) 18:40:40:FMBnljCMO

maji [] 2008/05/29(Thu) 21:13:56:57CltNZFO
utuda SINO
maji [] 2008/05/29(Thu) 21:26:27:DEK3qP5oO
maji [] 2008/05/29(Thu) 21:59:32:OdBEPO05O
maji [] 2008/05/29(Thu) 23:17:29:Y1Tf/SHB0
maji [sage] 2008/05/30(Fri) 00:09:28:kLilHY+MO
kono itani real gaijin wa iruno?
maji [] 2008/05/30(Fri) 03:47:53:V49nrcel0
maji [] 2008/05/30(Fri) 07:03:23:bRjL+XfIO
real gaijin wa inai yo maybe
maji [] 2008/05/30(Fri) 07:06:48:vBP4oqZs0

[AR] Americanized Romanized [Nihongo]
maji [sage] 2008/05/30(Fri) 15:57:11:jtPM4x2Y0
reak gaijin ga mitemo nani kaite arunoka
sappari warann to omo-
korewa korede tukaikata ga arisouna
kyokutann na kasoita ttetokoromo tukaimitiari
maji [sage] 2008/06/13(Fri) 21:19:33:AxzAGF/r0
WINCEST TIEM (original story by anon)
Ever since my twin sister and I were born we had been inseperable.
It was the strange kind of bond only twins can understand.
People will say twins have a psychic connection with each other.
I kind of think it's bullshit but hey, whatever you choose.
But my sister and I had always been really close, and in our mid high school life, things got a little...different.
You know that raging hormone bullshit teens go through and how sexual activity tends to REALLY make itself evident to the teen, well me and my sister were no exception.
I'm not going to lie, it felt strange being attracted to my sister, then again it made sense.
Her olive skin was so soft and absolutely flawless, her eyes were always bright and shinning (and sometimes with a hint of lust when I saw them), and her body oh God her body.
It was the perfect shape, that amazing S curve all guys want. And how could I forget those tits?
God how many times did I suck on them...
maji [] 2008/06/17(Tue) 16:24:26:DVqyDiKY0
My fellow Americans:

As your future President I want to thank my supporters, for your mindless support of me, despite my complete lack of any legislative

my pastor's relations with Louis Farrakhan and Libyan dictator Moamar Quadafi, or my blatantly leftist voting record while I present myself as

some sort of bi-partisan agent of change.

I also like how my supporters claim my youthful drug use and criminal behavior somehow qualifies me for the Presidency after 8 years of

claiming Bush's youthful drinking disqualifies him.
Your hypocrisy is a beacon of hope shining over a sea of political posing.

I would also like to thank the Kennedy's for coming out in support of me.
There's a lot of glamour behind the Kennedy name, even though JFK started the Vietnam War,his brother Robert illegally wiretapped Martin

Luther King, Jr.
and Teddy killed a female employee with whom he was having an extra marital affair and who was pregnant with his child.
And I'm not going anywhere near the cousins, both literally and figuratively.
And I'd like to thank Oprah Winfrey for her support. Her love of meaningless empty platitudes will be the force that propels me to the White


Americans should vote for me, not because of my lack of experience or achievement, but because I make people feel good.
Voting for me causes some white folk to feel relieved of their imagined, racist guilt.
I say things that sound meaningful, but don't really mean anything because Americans are tired of things having meaning.
If things have meaning,then that means you have to think about them. Americans are tired of thinking.
It's time to shut down the brain, and open up the heart.
So when you go to vote in the fall election, remember don't think, just do. And do it for me.

Thank You.
Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.
maji [sage] 2008/06/24(Tue) 17:13:56:Caljno/p0

> 1. The aim of this report is not to question or to fight a belief ? the right to freedom of belief does not permit that. The aim is to warn against certain tendencies to pass off a belief as science.
It is necessary to separate belief from science. It is not a matter of antagonism. Science and belief must be able to coexist. It is not a matter of opposing belief and science, but it is necessary to prevent belief from opposing science.

Stopped reading there.

There is NO evidence of evolution. It is a belief. Objective science doesn't support evolution no matter how many frauds and hoaxes are fabricated to support evolution. The truth always trickles out.

Life doesn't just happen. That alone totally defies the Laws of Science.

The Judeo Christian G-D, made it happen. G-d is the Author of all science. It is no coincidence that leading evolutionists are atheists. THAT is by design. These atheistic evolutionists do not find G-d acceptable in their premises.
Their premise is that there is NO G-D.
Post too long. Click to view the whole post or the thread page.
maji [sage] 2008/06/27(Fri) 02:30:56:ILr7j60c0
A sharp increase in drugs and cellphones found inside a Brazilian prison mystified officials -- until guards spotted some distressed pigeons struggling to stay airborne.

Inmates at the prison in Marilia, Sao Paulo state had been training carrier pigeons to smuggle in goods using cell phone sized pouches on their backs, a low-tech but ingenious way of skipping the high-tech security that visitors faced.

"We have sophisticated equipment to search people when they go in, but they avoided this by finding another way to bring in cellphones and drugs," prison director Luciano Gamateli told Globo TV."

American Unko [] 2008/06/28(Sat) 01:23:10:IWbOQkE50
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maji [sage] 2008/09/15(Mon) 07:46:02:R0lijCy20
English only ka ...
maji [sage] 2008/09/24(Wed) 19:51:47:wJtoQMUG0
maji [sage] 2008/10/13(Mon) 17:06:57:Z8FHkxuP0
Nani kono thre
maji [sage] 2008/11/06(Thu) 00:21:13:JKNgraOQ0
This is a so-called thread of unko.
but I love such a KUSO thread.
maji [sage] 2008/11/06(Thu) 00:27:03:JKNgraOQ0
Please do not misunderstand .
I don't separately like excrement.
maji [] 2008/12/19(Fri) 10:56:11:p6B7WVl70
e-gaijin senyou?
maji [] 2008/12/19(Fri) 20:34:31:8tJZ1T+a0
O-bei ka!
maji [] 2008/12/20(Sat) 22:25:38:9rc48QNqO

takatoshi otu
maji [sage] 2008/12/21(Sun) 00:11:09:Pz9BAXgzO
maji [] 2008/12/21(Sun) 10:48:02:FUoLpMfV0
What is this blletin board?
I think that this blletin board is Dejima

nante kotta!!!!
oreno eigoryoku ja muripo
tyuugaku no eigo shika oboetenai orz
maji [] 2008/12/22(Mon) 22:42:49:h+fgIatdO
maji [] 2008/12/23(Tue) 02:14:20:HH5e/vwZ0
maji [sage] 2008/12/23(Tue) 02:49:28:SiOqPxUh0
maji [sage] 2008/12/24(Wed) 09:04:22:KmjXL2Ul0
maji [sage] 2008/12/31(Wed) 20:59:34:hFQXuiTsO
maji [sage] 2009/01/30(Fri) 06:18:37:owaOjpkQO
maji [] 2009/02/08(Sun) 23:12:20:H8lsKuHpO
Oh my God!
maji [sage] 2009/02/13(Fri) 06:01:21:DZFSTklf0
maji [] 2009/02/22(Sun) 17:50:46:3ZxR2wsB0

oh, I'm doemu
maji [sage] 2009/02/22(Sun) 20:57:16:byP0/4aN0
maji [sage] 2009/02/27(Fri) 09:26:07:ggX71HgNO
maji [sage] 2009/03/19(Thu) 22:43:51:L/NXJhv10

maji [] 2009/03/27(Fri) 17:39:49:g0AjLoZb0
.___ . __l__ . _i_ __ .____!! .__l__ .
l___l. ./l ', . .= fl_. . ./ . . _l_ _. l_/
l___i /.T L .[] []. . (__ . (_l .). .l L
maji [sage] 2009/03/27(Fri) 20:13:08:F/Kp2F/XP
. . //. : : : :/. : :/: /: / .l: : : : : : : : : : :.', : : : : : : : : : : : : /',
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. . . l :l :',.::lK"/::::::.      l : : :l',: : l : : : l : l :l : : : : : : : : : : : l : l Can you copy and paste this AA?
. . . ',:.l',:l',:l  ',lr '.::::l      ',:.l',:',=',-',:.: :.:l : :/ : : : l: : : : : : : : l : l
.. . . .',l ',l 'l    V:.:::;       x-=      ',l ', l: / : : : : l : : : : : : : :l : l
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maji [] 2009/04/03(Fri) 22:40:09:4BMrlxZXO
maji [sage] 2009/04/04(Sat) 02:00:57:brmPSzCGO


maji [] 2009/04/04(Sat) 08:28:05:+VLNw3UN0
No, they are 2channelers!
They are fighter of Fire Emblem.
maji [sage] 2009/04/05(Sun) 00:47:57:Oghak14t0
maji [sage] 2009/06/18(Thu) 14:51:53:M8Vj9ddO0
now,I'm banned by 2ch..dejima may be good place.
This board had Extraterritoriality(Chiigai-Houken)
maji [sage] 2009/08/02(Sun) 05:38:59:UiNZm0eki
mix culture desultory
maji [sage] 2009/08/09(Sun) 00:15:16:E358TWoOO
maji [sage] 2009/10/02(Fri) 22:34:30:IGTbn/x00
nani koko
DDDDD toka kakuno?
maji [] 2009/12/27(Sun) 17:44:59:xVPQ4IbX0
writing english is better than romaji.
japanese written in romaji is difficult to read. maybe.
maji [] 2010/01/27(Wed) 19:45:24:NqcOwIynO
tintin shu shu!
JAS CODE ha dame datta [] 2010/01/27(Wed) 19:58:35:NqcOwIynO
maji [] 2010/02/13(Sat) 05:11:33:RIefVDPkO
Akukin demo kakeru noka

K-tai akukin bakka mou iya un'ei ITTEYOSHI (Shigo)
maji [] 2010/02/13(Sat) 13:16:47:US0eBWO1O
maji [sage] 2010/03/20(Sat) 07:28:31:qs6WGfetO
tikitiita tokaiu kuzuha shine!!
makizoenisunna kasuyarou!
maji [] 2010/04/02(Fri) 05:01:35:j3MjQxLkO
maji [sage] 2010/04/05(Mon) 12:44:52:M0u+nPIM0
maji [] 2010/04/07(Wed) 00:52:24:wf8GwR1YO
kiseikaijo madaaa
maji [sage] 2010/04/10(Sat) 03:08:50:bJtvyxeI0
nanda kore wa lololololol
maji [] 2010/04/13(Tue) 22:59:00:yuLc5hDkO
maji [sage] 2010/05/04(Tue) 02:25:10:5JlCwKxk0
maji [sage] 2010/08/07(Sat) 20:37:24:iehf53qJO
maji [sage] 2010/09/14(Tue) 05:46:01:Vk1OpYuWO
maji [sage] 2010/09/25(Sat) 22:28:59:kJR9uVEg0
Nanda koko
maji [sage] 2010/11/07(Sun) 10:19:40:6jQ8tNo3O
koko dejima
180-144-71-226f1.osk3.eonet.ne.jp [] 2010/12/11(Sat) 19:24:00:BSTt9sPn0
Akina's nice short story

Everybody and nice to meet you! I'm Akina.
I'm an one's own pace, and the blog of daily life and the idea to which the photograph readily is suitably exchanged and written.
Please look at my with one's own way patiently if it's good.
If it's possible to point it out readily, I'm welcome because it thinks that there are a lot of points that don't arrive either.
Then, please come from following URL.


Thank you for lending valuable advertising space.
maji [] 2010/12/13(Mon) 15:26:17:eQGp3D0w0
maji [sage] 2011/04/10(Sun) 04:25:09.46:BYRZabDqO
忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 【東電 82.3 %】 [sage] 2011/04/21(Thu) 10:00:20.49:Dm1dkfTM0
maji [sage] 2011/05/02(Mon) 01:48:32.50:T4v/ANAL0
忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 [age] 2011/05/03(Tue) 22:31:58.90:uqWpLZUO0
maji [sage] 2011/07/02(Sat) 17:23:59.72:aJoQQh+D0
maji [] 2011/10/03(Mon) 21:42:21.01:lyT27ra20
maji [] 2011/10/16(Sun) 17:29:24.76:sce8EHiv0

【22.8m】 dennouprion [sage] 2012/04/14(Sat) 11:26:26.87:vZPH3P4s0
nanda kono sureha
忍法帖【Lv=21,xxxPT】 [sage] 2012/05/28(Mon) 01:52:24.89:8ywiXZwJ0
hi all
maji [] 2013/03/19(Tue) 08:09:28.74:UxxLeJ/r0
10kagetsu chikaku kakikomi nainokayo!
Yoku ochinaina
maji [] 2013/03/19(Tue) 11:32:19.36:zMqKT6B00
maji dejima
maji [sage] 2013/03/22(Fri) 10:34:54.40:6QzYHnLY0
kisei kita
maji [] 2013/03/26(Tue) 10:50:09.01:vFJPbI650
ita ja nee.
dejima ha dejima da.
maji [sage] 2013/03/27(Wed) 11:49:34.66:m8IBbEkE0
maji [sage] 2013/04/06(Sat) 21:20:45.99:d16K0HiW0
maji [] 2013/04/17(Wed) 01:08:38.41:Dneet1UnO
aigisu says jishin elekitel potittona
maji [] 2013/04/17(Wed) 12:59:06.42:ovqkDavq0
maji [] 2013/04/17(Wed) 13:13:38.97:oddPQq+p0
kisei mukatsuku
majide jima
忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(2+0:8) [age] 2013/04/20(Sat) 18:04:00.84:OcRmKL76O
GO in if of The god
maji [] 2013/04/29(Mon) 00:56:14.63:yyZUGNxE0
What an emergency!
Jippura and Lounge Classic are restricted!!


2ch勢いランキング 全部 1- 最新50 dejima板ランキング



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