Unco is bitter and delicious.
: Tanaka [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 01:54:20:10A3Mz+70 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/13(Tue) 03:07:10:OXEG8pC00 nanda : Tanaka [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 03:48:28:10A3Mz+70 Unco is bitter and delicious. : Tanaka [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 03:49:14:10A3Mz+70 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 06:08:35:VPBfFmK6O TENGOKU DE YARE : maji [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 11:43:52:QA54w4t90 hahawarosu : maji [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 12:23:21:1V+qqfUbO UNKO MEANS POOP. : maji [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 12:24:01:1V+qqfUbO UNKO MEANS No,2. : maji [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 13:35:22:gPmpAfnV0 unko- : maji [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 19:34:24:tb8TB6/YO It's north korea's meal. : maji [] 2008/05/14(Wed) 00:07:53:2xyMRfLm0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/14(Wed) 15:40:18:T8VcdIaO0 unco is better than any other meals. : maji [] 2008/05/14(Wed) 19:09:35:2xyMRfLm0 unco is better than any other meals. : maji [] 2008/05/14(Wed) 19:57:00:2xyMRfLm0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2008/05/14(Wed) 21:52:03:OETxcE/wO Nida said. Unko is yummy! : maji [] 2008/05/14(Wed) 22:06:21:2xyMRfLm0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2008/05/15(Thu) 15:46:28:aJzWU/Nq0 Unco is bitter and delicious. Do in heaven ttp://yutori.2ch.net/heaven4vip/ : maji [] 2008/05/15(Thu) 21:51:54:N0rINqDU0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/17(Sat) 03:32:29:bpswX98A0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/17(Sat) 21:09:48:D82Wgn1t0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/18(Sun) 16:47:47:wA7U8VyG0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/19(Mon) 04:40:26:VUT1Is2N0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/20(Tue) 11:45:40:ygZkRGaT0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/21(Wed) 20:39:08:7nrGhY/N0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/22(Thu) 20:30:40:3DrOYbhC0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/23(Fri) 17:29:04:B2A9enB90 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/24(Sat) 20:05:18:CybwnY7X0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/26(Mon) 17:17:50:BdwIq7Qm0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/05/27(Tue) 02:14:23:i6+H5g/I0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2008/05/28(Wed) 00:12:03:etKJNiDSO What does UnKo means? : maji [sage] 2008/05/31(Sat) 05:19:12:kBcz5ny/0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2008/06/02(Mon) 06:36:51:LbgwueM20 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2008/06/04(Wed) 00:08:25:gpHRpVSi0 UNKO MEANS KOREA. : maji [sage] 2008/06/04(Wed) 19:27:31:ZrdfzG/O0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2008/06/09(Mon) 06:27:04:R/cG/LBZO Are you a Korean? : maji [sage] 2008/06/09(Mon) 14:07:08:9JO4DBFkO Dry Unco is kapikapiunco! : maji [] 2008/06/12(Thu) 06:56:37:gY02f6Fy0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : American unco [] 2008/06/14(Sat) 01:09:32:BssciKK80 . . . ,, . . . 'i ;;;;;,_ . . . . 'ii ;;;;;;;_;:..,,.,,,,, . . . . . i; i; i; i;'',',;''_' :;,. . . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .) . . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , / . . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,. . . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .) . . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/ . . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;, . . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , ) . . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r . /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,, (y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , ) .V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V : maji [] 2008/06/14(Sat) 09:22:20:+mddBLME0 Excrement is delicious,isn't it? : maji [sage] 2008/06/14(Sat) 18:40:40:uQWcFiZc0 nop, fuckin dirty : maji [sage] 2008/06/16(Mon) 22:50:33:XmXbCi0/O Unco is my life. : maji [sage] 2008/06/19(Thu) 18:59:14:6ybgChWf0 Our Raptor, Who art in /h/eaven, shopped be Thy face; Thy donations come; Thy posts be done in /b/ as it is in /h/eaven. Give us this day our daily Bridget; and forgive us our trolling as we forgive those who troll against us, and lead us n-ot into faggotry, but deliver us from /fur/ry. In the name of the Moot, the Raptor, and the Holy server. Amen. : maji [sage] 2008/06/26(Thu) 01:06:43:w6+WITdb0 "WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court will have the final say on whether war preparation trumps whale protection. Acting at the Bush administration's urging, the court agreed Monday to review a federal appeals court ruling that limited the use of sonar in naval training exercises off Southern California's coast because of its potential to harm marine mammals. Sonar, which the Navy relies on to locate enemy submarines, can interfere with whales' ability to navigate and communicate. There is also evidence that the technology has caused whales to strand themselves on shore. The Navy argues that the decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco jeopardizes its ability to train sailors and Marines for service in wartime in exchange for a limited environmental benefit. " ttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080623/ap_on_go_su_co/scotus_navy_sonar : American Unko [] 2008/07/14(Mon) 23:36:20:Big6HeAl0 . . . ,, . . . 'i ;;;;;,_ . . . . 'ii ;;;;;;;_;:..,,.,,,,, . . . . . i; i; i; i;'',',;''_' :;,. . . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .) . . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , / . . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,. . . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .) . . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/ . . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;, . . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , ) . . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r . /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,, (y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , ) .V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V : maji [sage] 2008/07/16(Wed) 03:23:37:HBU4UCuV0 Unco tastes curry? : maji [sage] 2008/07/18(Fri) 00:31:23:+Iv+0D8E0 Unco-taste curry or curry-taste Unco? : maji [] 2008/07/27(Sun) 23:54:43:/uH454wF0 yes i do : maji [sage] 2008/07/28(Mon) 18:10:45:iFnl4M7fO Unko is borned from your anal. : maji [sage] 2008/08/15(Fri) 18:25:13:W11Ah4pv0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2008/08/23(Sat) 18:26:13:PHp5Jf9I0 there is big difference between unko and kuso. : maji [] 2008/09/07(Sun) 08:51:06:kxQ/vSt30 Could you describe it for us? : maji [sage] 2008/10/17(Fri) 22:50:53:Wzhhar/P0 The only production for NEET is Unco. : maji [] 2008/10/31(Fri) 13:17:31:ALUKzD4X0 bitter chocolate ktkr! : maji [] 2008/11/23(Sun) 16:14:01:YfOJIU2/O kusowaratawwww : maji [sage] 2009/01/06(Tue) 20:22:30:GYYuuSqf0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2009/03/03(Tue) 20:09:49:UfLJ7GBv0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2009/03/26(Thu) 18:40:43:V9io9hAi0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2009/03/27(Fri) 18:56:09:7dKmqsgr0 Kusosure danawwww : maji [] 2009/04/03(Fri) 21:39:52:FCfgJNL9O TRY ANYTHING ONES ttp://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/15/0000790615/00/imgc49d10aazikfzj.jpeg : maji [] 2009/04/05(Sun) 20:11:47:7mSKDQUj0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2009/04/06(Mon) 07:26:01:/motbtQz0 suck my unco!! : maji [sage] 2009/04/11(Sat) 17:32:05:43VHS7i10 nanda tengokuka : maji [] 2009/05/13(Wed) 05:43:17:L6kRav/z0 Real? Cora? : bill [] 2009/05/14(Thu) 06:28:18:F7idfA4V0 Hello,Everyone. I've been working late a lot lately, and I'm really tired. : bill [] 2009/05/14(Thu) 06:36:59:F7idfA4V0 girl is korean! : maji [] 2009/05/14(Thu) 09:45:03:3aIPDU8k0 Please eat my UNKO. : maji [] 2009/05/14(Thu) 12:05:31:3bsaT2Qr0 Working? Doing what? : maji [] 2009/05/17(Sun) 15:13:06:F1dzy5cFO kiss my cunt : maji [] 2009/05/21(Thu) 04:45:28:a5+dZVWs0 diddly-poo : maji [] 2009/05/21(Thu) 05:29:52:iXXqDTGT0 I have hard bowel... I appreciate the concern. Look!This name is Korea nationalism group... "United Nation Korea Operation" : Paste Type Unko [] 2009/05/29(Fri) 09:36:29:f2l7X1po0 Unko is bitter and creamy and delicious. : maji [] 2009/06/15(Mon) 05:15:47:pKmZbqEz0 How much Unco? : maji [] 2009/06/23(Tue) 14:28:28:B5+Ib6mm0 50000won : maji [sage] 2009/06/28(Sun) 05:53:55:ouiZ8qnz0 . . . ,, . . . 'i ;;;;;,_ . . . . 'ii ;;;;;;;_;:..,,.,,,,, . . . . . i; i; i; i;'',',;''_' :;,. . . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .) . . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , / . . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,. . . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .) . . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/ . . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;, . . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , ) . . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r . /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,, (y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , ) .V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V : maji [] 2009/06/29(Mon) 10:28:03:0p03+Qon0 Eat my unco. : maji [] 2009/06/30(Tue) 01:57:13:T9E8rUsgO Okay! : maji [] 2009/06/30(Tue) 02:29:07:Ksj4UfEW0 How do you cook Unco? : maji [] 2009/06/30(Tue) 09:28:09:EVSnqyuk0 Yeah! I make the pancake by Unco. It is bitter. : maji [] 2009/06/30(Tue) 13:32:20:duIK36C60 I love you. Please kiss my anal! Eat my fresh Unco... : maji [] 2009/07/01(Wed) 06:57:15:6oOSoRP70 Are you Korean? : maji [] 2009/07/01(Wed) 16:31:00:Kli5I6op0 ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3a.jpg ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3b.jpg ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3c.jpg ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3d.jpg ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3e.jpg ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3f.jpg ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3g.jpg ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3h.jpg ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3i.jpg ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3j.jpg ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3k.jpg ttp://www.nozokix.com/news/images/200606/20060615-3l.jpg : maji [] 2009/07/01(Wed) 20:06:45:PrxexQmj0 Unco Chin & Unco Same ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvwP2sd01ec this is fuckin' chinks : maji [] 2009/07/03(Fri) 13:47:50:5MT2HhVE0 1,2,3,4 Yattaze Katochan Gabbatto Mataide Unco chin chin : maji [] 2009/07/07(Tue) 00:50:04:AB+cn26T0 My Unco is bloody Unco. : maji [] 2009/07/08(Wed) 02:00:36:Vyj5qCjr0 Let's go to a hospital!! : maji [] 2009/07/08(Wed) 05:29:42:agKo/GiY0 Unco is just Japanese spirit. : maji [] 2009/07/09(Thu) 19:11:27:Kij18nMfO really? : maji [] 2009/07/10(Fri) 11:17:52:jpQHKmII0 Unco is my life. : maji [sage] 2009/07/11(Sat) 09:13:39:kZ6h56iJO My life is Unco. : maji [] 2009/07/11(Sat) 17:52:43:YwHAyNJV0 My wife is Unco. : maji [sage] 2009/07/12(Sun) 06:47:44:MMqppMlEO kwsk : maji [] 2009/07/18(Sat) 05:05:07:N3QXZ0p10 Do you want eat to UNCO? : maji [] 2009/07/18(Sat) 09:26:14:mq91UQMc0 Not really. : maji [] 2009/07/18(Sat) 17:54:55:uPbU09HW0 Unco is so sweet. : maji [] 2009/07/19(Sun) 04:38:27:KJsEREfb0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2009/07/21(Tue) 07:33:50:lnhJh3ZB0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2009/07/22(Wed) 08:08:06:0wwF3bHi0 Uncox : maji [] 2009/07/23(Thu) 06:22:01:BtcTWSzu0 Why Unco is delicious? : maji [sage] 2009/07/23(Thu) 14:43:18:xqXzOoTB0 mix bejitabo- in to the unco! very nice a-han : maji [] 2009/07/23(Thu) 15:53:00:kIQdR/uZ0 My Unco's topping is corn.
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