fack you.
: maji [] 2008/08/09(Sat) 13:33:10:eAFg/rqN0 : maji [] 2008/08/09(Sat) 13:47:31:G4Y2+nLu0 It's spelled with a "u". "Fuck you". "Fack you" just makes you look silly. : maji [] 2008/08/09(Sat) 17:01:38:eAFg/rqN0 Fuck you! : maji [] 2008/08/09(Sat) 18:23:30:G4Y2+nLu0 Much better. : maji [sage] 2008/08/09(Sat) 19:39:23:Y9nSgJY40 NO, NO!! Fakku Yuu!! : maji [sage] 2008/08/10(Sun) 03:14:20:mKbVZYqpO baka : maji [] 2008/08/10(Sun) 03:59:26:05/R2v3R0 "Go fuck yourself." "Go to hell." "Screw you." : maji [] 2008/08/10(Sun) 19:32:31:XOGfqdNt0 Why don't you come over to my house and fuck my sister. : maji [sage] 2008/08/11(Mon) 18:15:58:sRnA0a360 test post for foreign ip, and fuck you. : maji [] 2008/08/14(Thu) 11:43:57:WWIZXV26O Shine baka : American Unko [] 2008/08/15(Fri) 12:12:15:mdNUsEjR0 . . . ,, . . . 'i ;;;;;,_ . . . . 'ii ;;;;;;;_;:..,,.,,,,, . . . . . i; i; i; i;'',',;''_' :;,. . . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .) . . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , / . . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,. . . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .) . . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/ . . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;, . . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , ) . . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r . /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,, (y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , ) .V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V : maji [] 2008/08/21(Thu) 05:15:46:SbeNxWCwO umm... fuck you!! : maji [tsunami-puyo@nifmail.jp] 2008/08/21(Thu) 20:36:39:NhiFW1lH0 . : maji [] 2008/08/21(Thu) 21:20:42:iAZwe5zr0 oh... : maji [sage] 2008/08/22(Fri) 19:19:00:O3vV0wOr0 miss spell : maji [] 2008/08/23(Sat) 18:08:46:PHp5Jf9I0 fuck you = okasuzo screw you = sine goddamn = chikusho : maji [] 2008/08/27(Wed) 16:25:03:YsJvUV9P0 jack ass : maji [] 2008/08/28(Thu) 03:26:53:t6X0koOH0 fuck me : maji [] 2008/09/06(Sat) 02:42:56:KkPoFMMs0 Already did. You were asleep. : maji [sage] 2008/09/07(Sun) 21:36:24:Dy3bEGss0 oh, miss spell. fuck you. : maji [] 2008/09/10(Wed) 13:52:27:eBehIgFvO : maji [sage] 2008/09/10(Wed) 16:38:38:2UdccfFR0 Hey guys, check the ID of It is ":eAFg/rqN0", means this matherfucker is ANUS FUCKER!! : maji [] 2008/09/11(Thu) 00:02:09:dfPHUD5+0 Don't forget 'cunt'. On ya, ya fucken cunt. Fucken too right. : maji [] 2008/09/12(Fri) 08:35:48:8hXxKD+kO ttp://http://www. : maji [sage] 2008/09/12(Fri) 14:43:24:Dn70Zd1j0 fuck you. : maji [] 2008/09/12(Fri) 23:11:37:Krgku106O NEVADA : maji [] 2008/09/13(Sat) 03:16:11:vNMKEzdO0 NEVADA? oh...CIA : maji [] 2008/09/14(Sun) 17:14:23:zFQV94oD0 I would let Nevada-tan circumcise me. : maji [] 2008/09/14(Sun) 18:38:59:CCtVhof70 We all would. : maji [sage] 2008/09/16(Tue) 20:16:51:tbmTNxs50 nihongode o-ke- : maji [] 2008/09/17(Wed) 19:57:47:X+f0Ce7YO kuso gaki : maji [] 2008/09/23(Tue) 08:51:55:3Hkp6xd+0 Fuck'er in Fuckingham Palace. : maji [] 2008/09/28(Sun) 21:12:13:3w9AZuQ+O super sex to be continue : maji [] 2008/09/29(Mon) 20:27:33:ScLOYIw5O excellent,but in my booty his best aim is body be quiet face.advice to body body : maji [] 2008/10/07(Tue) 02:58:02:B759jAbO0 fuck u : maji [sage] 2008/10/08(Wed) 17:08:41:yf/qPDPD0 good! : maji [sage] 2008/12/06(Sat) 20:34:33:wR94GtMz0 kisu mai asu holl hev! : maji [sage] 2009/01/27(Tue) 20:40:28:p3IIRgCb0 TDN : maji [sage] 2009/02/14(Sat) 13:05:12:Ypmu6kLQ0 fack [fak ] (past facked, past participle facked, present participle facking, 3rd person present singular facks) intransitive verb speak truth to speak truthfully about something (slang) : maji [sage] 2009/03/01(Sun) 17:23:30:vLd1qmk30 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:17:31 +0900] "GET /~public1/ HTTP/1.0" 301 262 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:17:31 +0900] "GET /~public1/index.html/ HTTP/1.0" 200 1078 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:17:31 +0900] "GET /icons/text.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 229 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:17:32 +0900] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0" 404 209 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:17:33 +0900] "GET /icons/back.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 216 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:17:33 +0900] "GET /icons/blank.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 148 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:17:39 +0900] "GET /~public1/index.html/Safari%20of%20Bookmark.html HTTP/1.0" 200 4235 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:19:43 +0900] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0" 404 209 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:19:47 +0900] "GET /icons/text.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 229 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:22:25 +0900] "GET /~public1/ HTTP/1.0" 301 262 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:24:38 +0900] "GET /~public1/index.html/ HTTP/1.0" 200 1078 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:27:04 +0900] "GET /~public1/index.html/Safari%20of%20Bookmark.html HTTP/1.0" 200 4235 - - [07/Sep/2008:20:27:17 +0900] "GET /~public1/index.html/Safari%20of%20Bookmark.html HTTP/1.0" 200 4235 - - [07/Sep/2008:21:20:21 +0900] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0" 404 209 - - [07/Sep/2008:21:21:06 +0900] "GET /~public1/index.html/?C=N;O=D HTTP/1.0" 200 1078 - - [07/Sep/2008:21:21:13 +0900] "GET /icons/text.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 229 - - [07/Sep/2008:21:21:41 +0900] "GET /~public1/index.html/?C=M;O=A HTTP/1.0" 200 1078 - - [07/Sep/2008:21:21:52 +0900] "GET /~public1/index.html/?C=S;O=A HTTP/1.0" 200 1078 - - [07/Sep/2008:21:22:05 +0900] "GET /~public1/index.html/?C=D;O=A HTTP/1.0" 200 1078 - - [07/Sep/2008:21:22:32 +0900] "GET /~public1/index.html/Safari%20of%20Bookmark.html HTTP/1.0" 200 4235 : maji [] 2009/05/17(Sun) 02:48:12:F1dzy5cFO are you ass hole : maji [] 2009/05/18(Mon) 23:31:17:RfXm9otU0 This is very facking. : maji [] 2009/05/19(Tue) 00:33:43:+T6HEiut0 UUUURRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : The 44th Fuck Nissan Bluebird For You ! [Nissan Bluebird For You !!] 2009/05/19(Tue) 13:11:00:g6MLKFJc0 Nissan Bluebird Pictures URL : ttp://ipatukouta.altervista.org.nyud.net/php5/?upload/data/img/sshot.jpg We think Nissan should drag the admen who made this series of Bluebird commercials out of retirement and put them to work on their current product line. Yes, they're that good! Nissan Bluebird-U Makes The Ladies Crave Your Essence! We get ads for the 1966 (410), 1967 (510), and 1971 (610) Bluebirds here. The last one, for the '71 Bluebird-U, is a masterpiece of bewildering Japanese salaciousness and makes me want to offer the owner of the DOTS 610 too many dollars for his car. Thanks to LTDScott for the tip! Source former URL URL : ttp://http://jalopnik.com.nyud.net/5218228/nissan-bluebird+u-makes-the-ladies-crave-your-essence Reference WEBsite URL : ttp://http://www.picsearch.com.nyud.net/pictures/cars/asian%20brands/nissan/nissan%20bluebird.html : maji [sage] 2009/05/21(Thu) 01:14:53:Cn7l3ALV0 Kiss my asshole with full of shit!! : maji [] 2009/05/24(Sun) 07:41:34:HQhnVCfbO you sucker : maji [] 2009/05/27(Wed) 05:40:19:77zCb/3u0 This is facking. : maji [] 2009/05/31(Sun) 03:55:01:KR7LRcdh0 I'll fack to you... I love you. I want to fuck you!! : maji [] 2009/06/03(Wed) 09:49:29:f18ghxQT0 fack boobies. : maji [] 2009/06/03(Wed) 09:51:35:zWQaCR+80 I fack good time : maji [sage] 2009/06/19(Fri) 22:31:43:dkB3PbS20 Kakurenbo : maji [] 2009/08/02(Sun) 19:56:28:H5xmbSHv0 fack my : maji [sage] 2009/08/02(Sun) 23:14:39:mEspYVL20 Shit down,please. : maji [sage] 2009/08/03(Mon) 01:40:48:M9mewIvpi wakari mashita,suwari masu : maji [sage] 2009/08/03(Mon) 16:57:20:Ua38P9h90 Hwekku yuu! : maji [sage] 2009/08/04(Tue) 20:52:04:Wa36a4BV0 fox you.. son of a pitch! : maji [sage] 2009/08/13(Thu) 19:58:15:HywLi/5R0 fcuk yuo : maji [sage] 2009/08/20(Thu) 12:22:39:ItEMcnca0 ttp://http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fack : maji [] 2009/08/26(Wed) 12:32:20:AnD+4KYm0 In many online First-Person-Shooting game,"fack" means "fuck". These gamesevers have a function of NG-word-filter. If you type "fuck you" in the game,you banned by the server. so that,many gamers use "fack you". : maji [] 2009/10/07(Wed) 21:29:55:fIKywRpP0 Fuck me! : maji [] 2009/10/07(Wed) 23:46:30:L6I/N3Zk0 I've never even heard of this : maji [sage] 2009/10/08(Thu) 15:25:39:pRe4Q4BSO Quite a view. : maji [sage] 2009/10/23(Fri) 17:22:19:LoatcFCx0 fuck! yaoya! : maji [] 2009/11/28(Sat) 21:37:12:fBOhxtC50 Your mother facking asshole. : maji [] 2009/11/29(Sun) 17:27:12:8WBfrNpY0 That's still no grounds for using it outside of these servers. : maji [] 2010/02/02(Tue) 14:40:01:/abMpzR60 Fuck. Fuck Fuck. U Ass Hole : maji [] 2010/02/02(Tue) 18:29:40:mt1w3eJk0 I can fly! : maji [sage] 2010/02/03(Wed) 15:58:27:F5TLhy3qO Lovely : maji [] 2010/02/08(Mon) 12:27:05:ohVYr71ZO Thats suicidal dive : maji [sage] 2010/02/08(Mon) 14:26:41:IeMO0fWy0 The word "fack" and "fuck" are different in the both way of meanings and how to use. I fack to you. = I say the fact to you. I fuck you. = I have a sex with you. : maji [] 2010/02/10(Wed) 02:55:25:aOrv4ljY0 Let's fuck each other. : maji [] 2010/02/10(Wed) 15:13:10:TtVRfyiO0 If you were a hot chic, I'd be happy to fuck you. : maji [sage] 2010/02/10(Wed) 17:52:16:NrMoZyoW0 hwekku yuu : maji [sage] 2010/06/10(Thu) 16:02:49:pAcqzCUW0 fuck ramsfeld! : maji [sage] 2010/06/10(Thu) 16:05:44:pAcqzCUW0 Manco is good fucking! : maji [sage] 2010/09/12(Sun) 23:56:41:dZcfNcjK0 fuck you = hwakku yû fack you = hwekku yû : maji [] 2010/09/27(Mon) 00:42:33:5GD5F8na0 I can manco : maji [sage] 2011/03/21(Mon) 09:38:12.08:Od4nzf/F0 Fuck off out of world! Kill yourself!! I love you... : 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 [sage] 2011/06/12(Sun) 19:24:29.30:xYd0zPy10 aaaaaa : 忍法帖【Lv=4,xxxP】 [sage] 2011/06/14(Tue) 16:12:24.46:WNY+j5N10 aaaaaa : 忍法帖【Lv=4,xxxP】 [sage] 2011/06/14(Tue) 16:52:52.15:WNY+j5N10 test : 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 [sage] 2011/06/14(Tue) 17:01:46.10:WNY+j5N10 tes : maji [] 2011/06/14(Tue) 18:27:51.40:76ZgENoc0 oh : maji [] 2011/06/14(Tue) 18:28:14.50:76ZgENoc0 oh : maji [] 2011/06/19(Sun) 21:11:16.58:pJDvqyc0O cunt : maji [sage] 2011/06/20(Mon) 20:19:32.25:lukZCOFr0 dejimattenani : maji [] 2011/06/28(Tue) 01:07:31.61:pSV6bAfsO ggrks : 忍法帖【Lv=27,xxxPT】 [sage] 2011/06/28(Tue) 18:12:53.39:N6cVM57x0 TEST : 忍法帖【Lv=28,xxxPT】 [sage] 2011/06/29(Wed) 20:44:04.80:jXiDvv4N0 TES : maji [] 2011/07/02(Sat) 02:10:31.59:Go8YVlO10 OMG!!!! : maji [] 2011/07/03(Sun) 09:06:54.05:zIpqz0vF0 MUTHAFUCKA : maji [] 2011/07/08(Fri) 12:32:46.10:y/KUdJ620 test : maji [] 2011/07/08(Fri) 12:38:16.59:y/KUdJ620 How do you make new threads here. Do I need proxy? : 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 [] 2011/07/14(Thu) 15:46:33.11:yvqeWFBF0 tes : maji [] 2011/07/21(Thu) 10:01:32.68:G9NioqnX0 o m a n c o : maji [sage] 2011/07/24(Sun) 21:30:26.93:XTPsc5v10 niga- : 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 [] 2011/07/25(Mon) 20:54:48.21:w1uR9aQz0 oh! i'm understand. fack you. : p2148-ipbf3902hodogaya.kanagawa.ocn.ne.jp [] 2011/07/26(Tue) 06:02:59.02:iuRDyObO0 ERROR! ERROR : Your access being restricted !! (hodogaya.kanagawa.ocn.ne.jp) It is notified here. Host p2148-ipbf3902hodogaya.kanagawa.ocn.ne.jp Name: UnnamedPlayer E-mail: sage post:Asunyan pero pero-n * You can write at thease boads while your access restricted * CRAZY HODOGAYA !!!!! : 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 [] 2011/07/30(Sat) 20:53:10.99:8fjZqvv90 yua mazar fackar : maji [] 2011/07/31(Sun) 18:49:53.06:wvBjfGEeO kitara suguiru?
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