Unco is bitter and delicious.
: Tanaka [] 2008/05/13(Tue) 01:54:20:10A3Mz+70 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2010/06/22(Tue) 00:04:10:wBa6TU500 Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2010/06/22(Tue) 06:55:26:ihCLG97BP heh. : maji [] 2010/06/22(Tue) 21:19:31:wBa6TU500 Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2010/06/27(Sun) 10:18:21:2Wxme9na0 uncho : maji [sage] 2010/06/29(Tue) 21:15:39:ARcPsBdK0 Do you know HONGUPPO? : maji [sage] 2010/07/03(Sat) 16:13:30:VLbcF0GQ0 I know qOm4NnEZ/k : maji [] 2010/07/03(Sat) 21:07:21:ltNmPO350 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2010/07/04(Sun) 22:45:49:Lg0vFn3Z0 Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2010/07/06(Tue) 22:35:23:EdhSRjA70 Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2010/07/08(Thu) 03:00:11:VvLLLFMB0 Tack a nut a better'n death car!? : maji [] 2010/07/08(Thu) 10:57:19:+Nv+a6SB0 i wanna kill uncoman : maji [] 2010/07/09(Fri) 01:50:55:1BfVzaUI0 Unco you! : maji [] 2010/07/16(Fri) 08:26:08:NWzZXVgs0 Manco is salty and delicious. : maji [] 2010/07/16(Fri) 10:00:48:wfgjZTNW0 ma ji de? : maji [] 2010/07/31(Sat) 21:52:02:BnlKGdpy0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2010/08/01(Sun) 16:39:15:+5dNO0kL0 Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2010/08/02(Mon) 16:33:50:dFRYKED20 A lot of Japanese love Ttong-sul now. : maji [] 2010/08/06(Fri) 01:36:23:LXaHC1Je0 Ttong-sul is sweet and delisious. : maji [] 2010/08/06(Fri) 14:14:10:/MMZPmED0 Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2010/08/07(Sat) 22:41:26:LlukL52s0 Ttong-sul is Japanese traditional drink. It is maked by dung. : maji [sage] 2010/08/09(Mon) 08:07:41:imeFR3cs0 Tthong-sul is one of my favorite drink. : maji [] 2010/08/11(Wed) 00:12:36:ryn0PIH+0 heh. : maji [sage] 2010/08/11(Wed) 12:00:06:xThn8cAn0 My unco is thick and long. : maji [sage] 2010/08/13(Fri) 15:32:19:aouOy60g0 roast unco is savory and delisious. it's my dinner of today. : maji [] 2010/08/21(Sat) 12:47:55:tGF7+W/G0 What the heck is Ttong-sul? : maji [] 2010/09/01(Wed) 02:54:25:ipmUSuDI0 hayou kusomamire ni narouya : maji [] 2010/09/01(Wed) 13:08:46:roCVc2sG0 shitty skin : maji [] 2010/09/30(Thu) 13:57:36:tHcMQvmX0 unco oisiiyo : maji [] 2010/10/02(Sat) 00:20:15:qf9YcrpD0 what the hell are you saying? is ur head alright? : maji [sage] 2010/10/02(Sat) 13:41:16:kNua9pw60 My head is bitter and delicous. : maji [] 2010/10/04(Mon) 22:10:18:9qtJ4LpF0 konyamo unco ga umai : maji [] 2010/10/04(Mon) 22:43:43:IvYRdEcV0 o : maji [] 2010/10/04(Mon) 23:19:05:UGiIRW+j0 unco umai : maji [] 2010/10/18(Mon) 20:00:37:YLx0/NW50 Geri unko is spicy and delicious : maji [] 2010/10/19(Tue) 21:43:26:WT0DCTQZ0 Solid unko is anus-widening and delicious : maji [] 2010/10/24(Sun) 12:03:00:f7nv4a/G0 everyone is crazy : maji [] 2010/10/29(Fri) 22:10:00:59OPvXdgO Unco is Korean Food. : maji [] 2010/11/01(Mon) 12:00:58:5JZUF4jj0 Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2010/11/03(Wed) 00:05:59:f3kDssk80 woo... : maji [] 2010/11/06(Sat) 09:40:57:z7GaiXJ90 Unco is nigai and umai : maji [] 2010/11/13(Sat) 21:26:19:KoSADhu50 Bitter unko is delicious : maji [sage] 2010/11/14(Sun) 09:20:30:wr5+wofB0 whatever : maji [] 2010/11/20(Sat) 07:47:35:qhrWJKYD0 Which do you like better? Unco with a curry taste? Or curry with an unco taste? : maji [sage] 2010/11/29(Mon) 19:37:08:Zwh03w9F0 After unco is better than first curry : saltslug [] 2011/01/20(Thu) 15:20:52:McK+MRUgP unko ha nigakute umai : maji [] 2011/05/23(Mon) 14:12:37.17:eyogP+4q0 Sorry, no Koreans allowed. : blabla [maxasofia@hotmail.com] 2011/05/25(Wed) 05:45:03.80:E92zSX1o0 ICELAND IS UNKO! 03/2010=>05/2011 Again same shit : maji [] 2011/05/25(Wed) 15:50:21.54:3omd2fXh0 Unko is traditional Korean food. : 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxPT】 [sage] 2011/05/31(Tue) 23:17:38.62:eNwGI2S80 testing : maji [] 2011/07/03(Sun) 02:45:11.22:zIpqz0vF0 OYAJI NO WAKIGA : maji [sage] 2011/07/03(Sun) 14:44:36.31:lcQPZBuP0 yes we can. : maji [] 2011/08/13(Sat) 01:53:24.71:FYURdxbJO Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2011/08/22(Mon) 15:39:54.39:C/nKdyZHO Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2011/08/25(Thu) 01:10:12.48:VF105M76O Oh my GOD! : maji [] 2011/09/03(Sat) 12:25:01.87:XWHg6bjxO Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2011/09/03(Sat) 22:16:15.61:U4uNo3sM0 no its not true. unko is "sour" and bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2011/09/06(Tue) 04:09:55.60:xEW/HJqZ0 Oh my Shinran! (from "Getting Any?" supervised by Takeshi Kitano) : maji [sage] 2011/09/18(Sun) 13:01:47.28:Q06tszFt0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2011/10/02(Sun) 10:10:58.58:lkaX3nw80 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2011/10/03(Mon) 06:30:01.12:52fEPNuR0 is korian : maji [] 2011/10/16(Sun) 17:32:16.79:sce8EHiv0 : maji [] 2011/10/16(Sun) 23:25:11.76:UtsXX015O UNKO BANZAI : 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 [] 2011/10/21(Fri) 00:21:37.20:viaDzAqN0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2011/10/21(Fri) 11:06:55.08:f0KjrSYN0 test : maji [] 2011/11/22(Tue) 10:37:29.92:iDWO1CxcO Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2011/11/22(Tue) 12:06:00.19:6Gg+PPTL0 Unko dare? : 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 [sage] 2011/11/23(Wed) 06:44:02.71:RAMBtYWX0 tashikani miso to kuso wa yoku niteiru. irotuya to ii hadazawari to ii marude ikiwakareno kyoudaito ittemo kagondewa nai. shikashi sono youtowo torichigaeruto asano shokutakuni ASANO SHOKUTAKUNI ??!!!!!!! : maji [] 2011/11/26(Sat) 20:03:35.48:SoDclYRw0 ttp://www.google.co.jp/search?q=Unco : maji [sage] 2011/11/28(Mon) 23:41:54.69:fuLt/W030 Unco is bitter and delicious. : David Beckham fan = Elena Oda Vintevecom [] 2011/12/04(Sun) 10:17:12.75:r3KA4N6eO Let me know if you have any trouble sarch [internet-tv tyosen soccer] at google only! : maji [sage] 2011/12/17(Sat) 15:13:53.19:CX1/TYxN0 I had not gone to the toilet before it began to fall Unco. : maji [] 2011/12/27(Tue) 11:49:20.34:Y5N9l0+20 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2011/12/29(Thu) 14:30:46.11:/u8hKDsL0 ttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16552688 : maji [Unco is bitter and delicious.] 2012/01/08(Sun) 20:44:07.09:1vsq9HjZO Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [sage] 2012/01/09(Mon) 08:53:20.59:K0tr5gDt0 Ttongsul ttongsul holholholholholhol : maji [] 2012/01/16(Mon) 01:17:49.49:B5GbRtCj0 nanda kono sure. I hate unko. : maji [] 2012/01/16(Mon) 06:48:23.09:7hgLCPCm0 what is unko??? : maji [] 2012/01/16(Mon) 07:33:43.45:ldMgiS680 shit; faeces; feces; : maji [] 2012/01/17(Tue) 12:10:15.09:oLW7UGLIO Provided that way in order to measure up arms : maji [sage] 2012/01/20(Fri) 01:02:46.42:1/FVcbhb0 I need more unko! : maji [] 2012/01/23(Mon) 15:00:05.27:L61cXEav0 unknown unko : maji [sage] 2012/01/26(Thu) 07:01:13.32:On/880JU0 Black unko of death : maji [] 2012/02/10(Fri) 20:53:02.16:npWfeJRY0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2012/03/04(Sun) 23:47:59.82:kQKfM1Q00 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2012/03/06(Tue) 08:08:06.00:A8Hjs6270 Manco is bad smell and black. : maji [sage] 2012/03/07(Wed) 14:05:12.32:2IYwlPP80 Unko kusai sure dane!! : maji [sage] 2012/03/31(Sat) 17:24:21.25:z+FvPgUNO Kuso sure kayo : maji [] 2012/05/23(Wed) 04:21:00.53:r9tN3HkM0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2012/07/08(Sun) 09:07:40.91:uRx2KTZaO unco is very aromatic : maji [] 2012/08/15(Wed) 02:20:50.28:EBp4MpTa0 Unco is bitter and delicious. Curry isn't bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2012/08/15(Wed) 03:55:38.12:Hb8qKBcL0 What is unco made from? : maji [sage] 2012/08/15(Wed) 05:48:56.61:yZiJuMuR0 corn : maji [] 2012/09/15(Sat) 00:32:59.59:UVoNwjP00 UNCO (United Nations Central Office) : maji [sage] 2012/09/28(Fri) 09:20:23.15:/vnKHZOL0 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2012/10/26(Fri) 12:22:12.24:CmYA3CC20 ttp://noel2672.jugem.jp/ : maji [] 2013/07/10(Wed) NY:AN:NY.AN:5Fpz2b2K0 Please sage unko until 1001! ttp://toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/break/1323723496/l50 : maji [] 2014/02/08(Sat) 20:15:20.38:093XssU20 Unco is bitter and delicious. : maji [] 2014/03/07(Fri) 22:13:41.64:02n/cet80 UNKO tastes sweet and mild. : maji [] 2014/12/28(Sun) 00:27:50.50:9RgNDDad0 age : maji [sage] 2018/03/02(Fri) 15:02:24.07:uJzgccDS0 Tasting dung, it's like a gook. Dungook or Unkorean,hahaha!
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