2ch勢いランキング 全部 1- 最新50

Yamazaki Wataru

Yamazaki Wataru [] 2008/05/28(Wed) 01:18:22:NPhWQJzk0
--------------[JR Yamazaki St.]---------------
Yamazaki Wataru [] 2008/05/28(Wed) 01:23:39:TYhoUZ9mO
maji [Yamazaki Wataru] 2008/05/29(Thu) 01:49:53:VABXps4RO
Korekaramo bokuwo yoroshiku
Yamazaki Wataru [] 2008/05/30(Fri) 00:55:26:N/d0j2EN0

maji [] 2008/05/30(Fri) 13:49:33:A6irZDenO

Yamazaki Wataru [] 2008/06/02(Mon) 02:49:27:OPIcdTJlO
korekaramo bokuwo ouenshitekudasaine
maji [] 2008/06/02(Mon) 16:32:02:O4zNSxPe0
maji [] 2008/06/03(Tue) 02:18:57:AVgrOAv1O
ntkyto081048.kyto.nt.ftth.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp [] 2008/06/04(Wed) 01:34:02:8sfqoqo/O
ntkyto081048.kyto.nt.ftth.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp [] 2008/06/04(Wed) 01:34:59:8sfqoqo/O
ntkyto081048.kyto.nt.ftth.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp [] 2008/06/04(Wed) 02:37:36:zHPU79Lk0
ntoska257159.oska.nt.ftth4.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp [] 2008/06/05(Thu) 01:48:34:9ojFzx0C0
Yamazaki Wataru [] 2008/06/05(Thu) 01:56:03:cg16F4QjO
hankaku akero yo
maji [] 2008/06/05(Thu) 01:56:46:9ojFzx0C0
nantoiu fushiana

Yamazaki Wataru [] 2008/06/07(Sat) 01:07:07:+UK5D3IC0
--------------[JR Yamazaki St.]---------------
Yamazaki Wataru [] 2008/06/08(Sun) 05:08:02:azyR0dw3O
maji [sage] 2008/06/19(Thu) 18:38:58:6ybgChWf0
And moot knew 2chan, and he conceived of 4chan.
He worked long in his labor and soon there came to be users, and free porn, and it was good.
But as his disciples grew in number, moot found it harder to find time to manage 4chan and still visit his mexican prostitutes, and so he sired W.T.
Snacks on a Mexican loli.
And then came to the lands of /b/ one known as Soviet Russia, the masses of /b/ saw that his stupidity matched and exceeded their own, and they hailed him their messiah.
Snacks grew jealous of the gynormous size of Soviet Russia's e-PENIS and so it was that in the dead of night Soviet Russia was banned.
And moot returned from Mexico and said unto Snacks,
Where is Soviet Russia? The /b/tards are whining. And Snacks said unto moot: I know definitely.
Am I thy forum's keeper? And moot spake unto him in a voice definitely unlike the wheeze of an asthmatic: Yes.
And so W.T. Snacks was cursed to wander the lands of /b/ from which he had banned Soviet Russia.
And Snacks said unto moot, My punishment is greater than I can bear.
Behold, thou hast driven me into /b/ that I would moderate it and all the /b/tards will annoy the hell out of me.
And moot said unto him, Therefor whosoever annoyth Snacks, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.
And moot set a mark upon Snacks, lest any finding him should annoy him.
And Snacks went from the presence of moot to dwell in the land of /b/
maji [] 2008/06/20(Fri) 02:27:15:dneATtVf0
Your baby loves you, yes, but it will scream relentlessly and mercilessly for whatever it needs, without enlightening you to what that is, and whatever your mental state happens to be.
It does definitely know or care if you are hungry, tired, sick or desperate for the loo.
It is impervious to reason or pleading, it knows no mercy or patience.
It will look at you with eyes full of adoration - and will fly into a hysterical frenzy of rage and terror when you leave the room for 30 seconds.
And when it has a chest infection and is put on antibiotics which give it diarrhea, and you are changing the ninth nappy of the day, with every cough it will violently squirt liquid sh-it out at jet propelled force, all over your jeans.
maji [sage] 2008/06/20(Fri) 14:19:17:8Ox+G4Q3O

maji [] 2008/06/27(Fri) 02:33:22:ILr7j60c0
A sharp increase in drugs and cellphones found inside a Brazilian prison mystified officials -- until guards spotted some distressed pigeons struggling to stay airborne.

Inmates at the prison in Marilia, Sao Paulo state had been training carrier pigeons to smuggle in goods using cell phone sized pouches on their backs, a low-tech but ingenious way of skipping the high-tech security that visitors faced.

"We have sophisticated equipment to search people when they go in, but they avoided this by finding another way to bring in cellphones and drugs," prison director Luciano Gamateli told Globo TV."

maji [sage] 2008/06/28(Sat) 01:01:22:brOxXqB7O
American Unko [] 2008/07/06(Sun) 23:44:17:dmDg/FAR0
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nullupo [sage] 2008/07/17(Thu) 00:28:43:fqJx4EcU0
maji [] 2008/07/17(Thu) 02:34:54:ehW6S2+x0
maji [] 2008/07/17(Thu) 02:37:25:ehW6S2+x0
maji [] 2008/07/20(Sun) 01:52:18:9dTQb/i3O
maji [] 2008/12/15(Mon) 13:28:58:a4660qx40
Japanese is not spoken?
119-230-50-250.eonet.ne.jp [] 2009/01/17(Sat) 22:16:00:VunHxMLq0

>korekaramo bokuwo ouenshitekudasaine

Translate into English -> Hereafter, please assist in me.
maji [] 2009/02/19(Thu) 02:26:25:ey7B0Y4+0
2channel wa osoroshii internets desu
maji [sage] 2009/02/27(Fri) 17:29:19:5vDNH5qW0
maji [sage] 2009/09/02(Wed) 16:40:32:FfLATXGE0
what the hell is this?
maji [sage] 2009/11/14(Sat) 23:52:27:TsJND+pT0
maji [] 2010/06/15(Tue) 18:26:16:pRP6eBra0
asshole yamasaki
180-144-65-67f1.osk3.eonet.ne.jp [] 2010/12/11(Sat) 19:15:00:b23Je1QP0
Akina's nice short story

Everybody and nice to meet you! I'm Akina.
I'm an one's own pace, and the blog of daily life and the idea to which the photograph readily is suitably exchanged and written.
Please look at my with one's own way patiently if it's good.
If it's possible to point it out readily, I'm welcome because it thinks that there are a lot of points that don't arrive either.
Then, please come from following URL.


Thank you for lending valuable advertising space.
忍法帖【Lv=14,xxxPT】 [sage] 2011/08/15(Mon) 06:59:39.31:KUGtQGU80
maji [sage] 2011/09/21(Wed) 07:53:49.71:fNQE9cD60
LOL this board cant vandalized with Yamazaki Wataru's AA
maji [] 2011/10/14(Fri) 04:02:18.47:VUOkRz+G0

maji [] 2011/10/27(Thu) 22:49:20.06:gSB1IlPd0

maji [sage] 2011/11/11(Fri) 06:22:14.59:TLuzLvbh0
He is a virtuoso
maji [sage] 2012/03/30(Fri) 17:49:53.46:Kn65KNqVi
kono itani hajimetekitakedo
kokoha nani?
【42.2m】 dennouprion 【東電 84.2 %】 [sage] 2012/04/23(Mon) 21:44:41.30:ZMz+B7CK0
!nanja [] 2012/09/10(Mon) 07:15:52.64:JeXJW6HF0
忍法帖【Lv=8,xxxP】(1+0:8) [sage] 2013/05/12(Sun) 10:25:35.44:DDnj/O/d0
Who are you?
maji [sage] 2013/05/15(Wed) 21:52:45.38:jmvi+9LN0
maji [sage] 2013/05/19(Sun) 22:08:47.55:O00XuSEI0
忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】(1+0:8) [sage] 2013/05/30(Thu) 16:16:16.32:sMS4c6zN0
忍法帖【Lv=15,xxxPT】(1+0:8) [sage] 2013/06/05(Wed) 23:22:22.95:PYkDCjA60
忍法帖【Lv=17,xxxPT】(1+0:8) [sage] 2013/06/12(Wed) 04:49:14.18:fYtetSas0
忍法帖【Lv=25,xxxPT】(1+0:8) [] 2013/07/06(Sat) NY:AN:NY.AN:Iax5Dv6n0
忍法帖【Lv=16,xxxPT】(1+0:8) [sage] 2013/08/20(Tue) NY:AN:NY.AN:7Z1eBciu0


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